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Elshaddai Bible Study
and Prayer Ministries

Your sure word is here

(2 Peter 1:19)


Celebrating Existence

Late Reverend Dr Olusola Oni Israel was called into the ministry by God and he obeyed as he launched the first outreach of this ministry in his private practice at Network Hospitals where he ministered to Patients in the word of God, songs and prayers.


Testimonies,miracles,blessings,signs and wonders backed the ministry and Peoples lives were positively impacted and transformed .This good news began to spread and attracted lots of people from the community and there was a need to expand outreaches.Since then Elshaddai Bible Study and prayer ministries has reached and touched  lives of people in many parts of the world.We give God Almighty the praise and glory.

So far,so Great. Lives have been transformed by the love of God and the power in the name of Jesus


Christ has brought healing, restoration and God’s revival to hearts through this ministry. People experience God’s love and presence duing our ‘Come Pray With Me’ outreaches at shopping malls and are amazed at going home with a free Bible and a Bible study guide.

Good feedbacks about a friendly atmosphere where they can share their thoughts and questions about the Bible. Training on the go for Bible Teachers and Prayer Leaders. Our sermon notes are reaching homes who have never had a Bible Study guide and the Treasures in 3 chapters section will be fun for those who will participate in unlocking the  treasures in 3 chapters of the Bible as we begin from Genesis to Revelation to share our thoughts with the world. You are appreciated,loved,honoured and doing a great Job.

Miracles and Testimonies continue to give God praise of his ever faithful love for us in the ministry.Lets serve God together.You can’t afford to miss the joy.


Do you have questions about the Bible? Send us a message

Answered Bible Questions

Explore the depths of the holy scriptures with Elshaddai Bible Study and Prayer Ministries. We provide a variety of Bible study resources, to help you grow in your faith. Check out our Answered Bible Questions for quick answers.


Bible Studies

Join us at Elshaddai Bible Study and Prayer ministries for an enriching experience that will help you grow in your understanding of the Bible. We also offer a variety of Bible studies and Prayer resources that we send to your email box to cater to different interests and skill levels. Take the first step towards strengthening your faith today.

Bible Studies

Prayer Pearls from Elshaddai Bible Study and Prayer Ministries Prayer Team

A prayer is a Pearl in the lives of those you pray for including yours. 

Add one of these to your prayer list. It is sure to make a positive difference.

Prayer Pearls
Bible Text

Our Resource

Book Pages

Our Library
Coming Soon

Elshaddai Bible Study and Prayer Ministries is dedicated to providing individuals and groups with books to support you with Bible studies and Prayers to individuals and groups seeking spiritual growth. Books at your door step so you can grow in your faith from the comfort of your own home or office.

Did You Know?

You can read your Bible by clicking on

Check out these Bible Commentaries to aid your Bible study. A Bible Commentary is an excellent research tool for your Bible study. It provides comments on the context of the Bible text. Using Bible commentaries helps avoid errors that come with interpreting a Bible text out of its context or giving a Bible verse a wrong interpretation. Click to access:

25+ Bible Commentaries to Study God's Word Online


You can read the Bible in your own native language or other languages. Click on this resource to find out:


The Bible Course from Bible Society, The Bible Project, and are good Bible study resources.



You can click on this link for insightful tips and help on how to pray. It is a free prayer podcast, Teach Us to Pray with Christina Patterson. You can find all the episodes at:Teach Us to Pray with Christina Patterson

  • Have a look at the link below for more audio episodes.



You can click on this link for your free prayer podcast with Rachel Wojo. 

LifeAudio › untan...Untangling Prayer with Rachel Wojo



PRAY for countries of the world

Click on the link under the PRAY section of the website (no 5)for a list of the countries of the world in alphabetical order

The Redeemed Christian Church of God Special Holy Ghost Services are aired live on YouTube every first Friday of the month from 19:00 GMT prompt. We experience powerful praise and worship sessions, sermons, Bible study, prayer sessions, and an atmosphere of miracles and testimonies. This event will be aired live on YouTube. It is an event you cannot afford to miss. 


Festival of Life is a Christian event hosted by the Redeemed Christian Church of God. It is a night of testimonies, praise, worship, prayers, and Bible study.

Do join us at Excel London September 13th-14th,2024.Excel Exhibition Centre
Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway,London, E16 1XL,United Kingdom
​.Doors open at 18:00, and the program starts at 19:00 on Friday, September 13th.


Great expectations are going to be met.

The event will also be aired live on YouTube.


You can click a Bible Verse in our RESOURCE SECTION to access your scripture reading from Bible Study Tools.

This is a good prayer resource:
Praying with Paul, Second Edition: A Call to Spiritual Reformation.Click on the link to viewPraying with Paul, Second Edition: A Call to Spiritual Reformation
Excerpts from the book:

  • “All of us would be wiser if we would resolve never to put people down except on our prayer lists.”

  • “Pray until you pray.”

  • “Many of us in our praying are like nasty little boys who ring front door bells and run away before anyone answers.”

  • “At the heart of all our praying must be a biblical vision.”

These are Quotes:

  • “Take a look at your own heart, and you will soon find out what has stuck to it and where your treasure is. It is easy to determine whether hearing the Word of God, living according to it, and achieving such a life gives you as much enjoyment and calls forth as much diligence from you as does accumulating and saving money and property.”
    —Martin Luther

  • “How I wish that more men who claim to be evangelical really believed the Word of God—that it is the Word of God, that it is God speaking.”
    —J. Vernon McGee

  • “God's guidance will require patience on our part. His leading is not usually a direct assurance, a revelation, but His sovereign controlling of the circumstances of our lives, with the Word of God as our rule. It is therefore inevitable that the unfolding of His purposes will take time—sometimes a very long time.”
    —Sinclair B. Ferguson

  • HAVE YOU READ THE BOOK OF GENESIS. In the Beginning,God ....

  • Genesis is the first book of the Bible and Genesis comes from a Greek word that means beginning.Genesis starts with God.Genesis is about the beginning of the universe,civilisation,the beginning of the human  race,the fall of human race and God's initiation of a rescue plan.It features the beginning of thepeople of Isreal and God's promise to the people of Israel.It is a book that speaks about relationship,highlighting those between God and his creation,between God and humankind,and between humanbeings.Moses is the author of Genesis.It is one of the five books written by Moses. Adam,Eve,Noah,Abraham,Sarah,Isaac,Rebekah,Esau,Jacob,Judah,Joseph and many others featured in the book of GENESIS.


The word Bible comes from the Greek ta biblia, which means "the books."

The Bible is the best-selling book and the most widely read book in the world. Our world has been greatly influenced by the Bible, including its impact on literature, art, history, law, architecture, politics, and more. It is a collection of books written through God’s inspiration by over 40 writers over a period of at least 1,500 years. God used several human authors to accomplish His will in writing the Scriptures, through the influence of the Holy Spirit upon the writers, rendering their writings an accurate record of what is The Word of God (2 Peter 1:20-21). The entire message of the Bible witnesses to Jesus Christ as our Savior, Salvation, Restorer, and Redeemer.

The Bible is like a library with two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament has 39 books, and the New Testament has 27 books. The first and last books of the Old Testament are Genesis and Malachi, respectively. The first and last books of the New Testament are Matthew and Revelation, respectively. A Bible has around 800,000 words in English (depending on the translation), approximately 31,000 verses, and about 1,200 chapters.

Reading, studying, meditating on the Scriptures, and practicing what the Scriptures say have positively influenced and transformed the lives of many. Let’s be determined to read the Bible as a priority and apply its teachings to our lives. The Bible speaks to us and is one of the ways we hear from God. All efforts in reading, meditating, and researching the Scriptures are not worthwhile if they do not change us, conforming us to the image of Jesus Christ. Therefore, our goal in studying the Bible should be to know Jesus and become like Him in our thoughts, words, and actions.


Here are a few Bible study methods you can use to study your Bible. You can use any or a combination of these methods:

  1. Devotional Method
    Select a Bible passage.
    Read it, meditate on it and write down how you can apply it to your life.

  2. Scripture Verse Mapping Method

    • Select a verse in the Bible.

    • Look at different Bible translations of the same verse.

    • Examine the context of the verse.

    • Look at other verses that relate to that verse.

    • Ponder everything you have discovered and learned.

    • Apply the truths of your findings to your life.

  3. Chapter Summary Method

    • Read a chapter of a Bible book several times.

    • Note the central thought of the passage.

    • Ask yourself what you can learn about God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in this chapter.

    • Determine what you have learned that you can apply to yourself and share with others.

  4. Topical Method

    • Find all verses about a topic you are interested in, such as Holiness, Love, Money, etc.

    • Locate all verses that mention or explain the topic in scripture.

    • Use different Bible translations to gain a broader understanding of the topic.

    • Organize your findings, learn from them, and share them with others.

  5. Biographical Method

    • Select a Bible character.

    • Find all the Bible verses related to that character.

    • Study the character's strengths and weaknesses.

    • Apply what you have learned to your life.

  6. Word Study Method

    • Study important words in the Bible.

    • Determine how many times a word occurs in scripture and its usage.

    • Investigate the original meaning of the word.

    • Trace the word throughout the entire Bible, focusing on either the Old Testament, New Testament, or both.

    • Look up the word in the original Hebrew or Greek.

    • Ask yourself how the understanding of this word can help you in your walk with God.

  7. Book Background Method

    • Study the background of a book in the Bible and make notes after reading it several times.

    • Research the historical, geographical, cultural, and political context at the time the passage was written.

    • Consider these factors to fully and correctly interpret the Bible and apply it to today.

  8. Bible Journaling Method

    • Read a passage of the Bible.

    • Use a notebook to write down your thoughts and how you can apply this passage to your life.

    • Share your findings with others, witnessing to Jesus Christ.

  9. Verse-by-Verse Analysis Method

    • Select a passage and examine the verses in detail.

    • Paraphrase the verses and use cross-references.

    • Study each verse and its surrounding context.

    • Identify the theme and rewrite what you think the verses are saying.

    • Take note of characters, events, and people.

    • Reflect on your personal application for each verse.


George Mueller(1805-1898) read through the Bible over 200 times during his life time and in more than half of those readings,he did the readings on his knees while praying over the wordand studying it diligently.No wonder he is called a man of faith and prayer.His life testifies to numerous answered prayers.Are you a man or woman of the word of God and prayer?

The phrase “BEAT SWORDS INTO PLOUGHSHARES” has a biblical origin.

Many of the phrases we use on a daily basis have biblical origins.

"Beat swords into ploughshares" is a phrase from the Book of Isaiah in the Bible, specifically Isaiah 2:4:

“They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

This phrase signifies turning to peaceful pursuits instead of war and destruction. It is a call to cooperation, reconciliation, and the pursuit of peace.

Let’s refuse to be agents of strife and division but rather ambassadors of peace. Let’s continue to pray for peaceful resolutions to conflicts for nations at war. (Please see our Sermon Notes section for a message on PEACE.)

1. Can you unscramble the letters to create a word that means PEACE?

2. Which city did David pray for the peace of?
Psalm 122:6

3. "What have you to do with peace? Turn around and follow me," is a quote that appears in 2 Kings 9:18. Who made this statement?

4. Complete the Bible verse:
"Thou shalt not raise a false ________; put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness." (Read Exodus 23:1-9). Join us in our Bible study series, Treasures in 3 Chapters section; we are currently studying the Book of Exodus. We want to hear from you.


Quiet time has been known by other names such as morning devotions, personal devotions, morning watch, etc. Quiet time is a time we set aside to meet with God daily for personal fellowship through the Word of God and prayers.

The purpose of your quiet time is to have fellowship with Jesus so we can grow intimate with Him. Jesus spent time in fellowship with His Father; how much more important is it for us? If Jesus is first in your life, you should give Him priority. (Matthew 6:33).Our quiet time with the Lord provides us the privilege of receiving direction from God for our daily living. It is a time to bring our day before the Lord, committing it into His hands, and recharging spiritually for the day ahead.Remember, the Bible speaks of our relationship with God as a love relationship. He is the head of the church, and we, the church, are His bride.

Don’t forget to read the love letter God has written to us—your Bible. As you spend time with Jesus in your quiet time through prayer and reading His love letter, the Bible, you become more like Jesus. There is a saying that couples begin to look more alike when they have been married for a long time. Give God the best part of your day.

If you miss your quiet time, don’t go on a guilt trip. Don’t give up. You can always get back into the schedule as soon as you can.

Bible Verses for Quiet Time:

  • Mark 1:35 , Genesis 19:27, Job 1:5, Genesis 28:18-22, Exodus 34:4, 1Samuel 1:19, Psalm 5:3, Psalm 119:147, Pslam 143:8, Isaiah 26:9, Ezekiel 12:8, John 4:23, Phil 3:7-10,2Corinthians 3:18, Habbakuk 2:20, Psalm 89:7, Psalm 139:23-24. 

Your quiet time with the Lord should be distinct from a time set aside for thorough Bible study.


Have you ever thought of your Bible study and prayer time as a date with Jesus?

You can consider having a "Jesus Date Bag" always packed. What do you need in your Jesus Date Bag?

  • Your Bible, a journal, devotional, highlighters, pens, post-it notes, Bible Study manuals or articles, a Bible Dictionary and or Bible Encyclopedia, a Bible handbook, a Bible commentary, may be scripture cards, a note book or a jotter, a list or hymn book etc .

When your date is finished, repack your date bag and put it back in the same spot every time so it’s ready for tomorrow’s big date with Jesus.

Remember, you must also be ready all the time, for Jesus will come when you least expect it. (Matthew 24:44)

The ministry website is updated the first week of every month.

  • Did you know box and Treasures in 3 Chapters section are updated monthly.

  • Resources section is updated every 1-2 months.

  • Sermon Notes are updated every 3 months.

  • Answered Bible Questions are updated as questions are sent in.

  • The PRAY section will also be updated from time to time.

Stay Tuned.


Join us to serve

You are invited and welcome to serve  in Elshaddai Bible Study and Prayer Ministries 

Write Sermon Notes 

Post Sermon Notes in letter boxes

Write down your thoughts as you share the treasures in 3 chapters of the Bible

Donate books on Bible Studies and prayers

Join the prayer ministry

Answer questions on the Bible

Join the teaching team to minister at our outreach centres




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